Freshman in high school. 15 years old. Barely street legal, and definitely not able to vote. All of these things say one thing, I'm young. And a little naive. My experiences aren't high numbered, my brain doesn't know everything, and my life is no where near over. My odyssey is just starting, and hopefully the path I'm going down is a good one. My mom still tells me I'm naive when I don't lock the doors or leave my stuff sitting out. "Someone's going to take that!" she says, but I argue back, "No they won't Ma, just chill out." I'm not sure when my sense of security will kick in, but when it does, maybe my mom will stop calling me her little naive baby. The fresh feeling from being young and youthful is still surrounding me and I love it. Hopefully, my journey won't be affected badly by the decisions I make now, but if it does, I'll remember the days of my high school years, where innocence was anything but dead.
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